Have you been afraid of the water? Have you wondered why you donāt float but your friends can? Are you worried about water getting into your nose and ears? If you have answered yes to the above questions, rest assured we will guide you to remove those fear when you learn to swim with Lizz Aquatic Swimming Academy (LASA).
The right foundation will make you reach your goals in no time. Swim for fun. Swim for fitness.Ā Swim to save a life.
We have programs for:
Beginners (no swimming experience)
Adults and children of 5 years age and above
Experienced swimmers who can swim about 25m
You will receive training inĀ fundamental & essentialĀ skillsĀ which include(s):
Floating and buoyancy techniques
Breathing with confidence in water
Proper breaststroke technique
Proper freestyle technique
On top of that, various strokes and techniques are available upon request under our personalized coaching program.
Find out if you have the right basic swimming fundamentals right from the beginning i.e. to be able to dunk your head, to float, cannonball and later to swim effortlessly.
At any of age, LASA will teach you the right way to swim and not just learning to swim, but to LOVE IT too. Be ready for new challenges and lets master your basics!